What do I even do everyday?

Yesterday, I didn’t have to work. I spent almost the whole day getting music related stuff done. I checked a lot of items off of my to-do list. It was a good day. (I scheduled a few music video shoots, so look out for cool stuff this fall and winter.) However; no matter how productive I am, I still question how efficient I use my time and how quickly I am getting things done. Other people seem to have the same questions as well. I hear all the time: “Why don’t you go to more shows?” “Why do you network more?” “Why don’t you practice more?” “How long until your next gig?” or “When will we hear new music?”

One of the hardest things for me to handle while growing my career is making time to do everything. Being a brand new indie artist means that I am handling every aspect of my career on my own. I wish it was different but I am the artist, the manager, the agent and the PR rep all at the same time. I wear a lot of hats. On top of all that, I still have a large amount of student debt and I need money to fund my music projects, which means keeping a day job. I have a hard time fitting everything in.

My goal is to just keep the train rolling, stay organized, chip away and have fun. It may go slow and cost a lot, but I think I’m in it for the long haul. I try to not stress about my schedule. I don’t mind work. It doesn’t hurt to have a great group of friends and occasionally make cool pieces of latte art. I don’t mind that a show takes 3 hours of my night. It was a cool show. I don’t mind playing darts. I love to win. It’s all good, things will happen when they happen. I can’t wait until I can ditch the day job though.

But seriously, when is my next gig?

Check out how yesterday and today break down.   

Yesterday (Monday, Sept 18th)

9:00am - Wake up, Breakfast, Plan Day
10:30am - Meet with production company
12:00am - Lunch, Made notes of meeting and ideas
1:00pm - Work on new music
3:00pm - Chill, Netflix, Pay Bills, Schedule stuff
5:30pm - Vocal Exercises
7:00pm - Jog
8:00pm - Dinner, with girlfriend :)
9:00pm -  Play Darts
10:00pm - Finish Blog

11:00pm - Prep Mailers
11:30pm - Write Emails
12:30am - Bed, life is good.

Today (Tuesday, Sept 19th)

7:00am - Wake up and post blog
8:00am - Fido (day job)
4:30pm - Mail Merch
5:00pm - Find something to do
6:30pm - Darts!
11:00pm - Check Emails and Jam
12:00am - Bed, life is good.